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Export Experts Club - Lubelskie

Export Experts Club - Lubelskie

The first meeting, starting the initiative Export Experts Club – the networking platform for our local experts from the lubelskie region was held on Monday, December 18th 2017, at 6:00 pm. in the Lublin Conference Centre.

The aim of the Export Experts Club is to create a meeting point for marketing experts as well as trade and export specialists representing enterprises from our region with a common purpose to meet regularly, share experiences, discuss market trends, share contacts, provide and receive specialist advice, learn from each other, share perspectives, voice opinions and build their expert profile. The language of the platform and events is English.



The first meeting was an opportunity to introduce our concept of the club and to ask participants if they were willing to join such an initiative. It was an opportunity to network with a diverse group of business representatives and discuss their internationalization plans for the upcoming year 2018, gather recommendations on economic events, seminars and trade fairs that they plan to visit or exhibit next year. This is crucial information for the Biznes Lubelskie Team as in 2018 we plan to organise a number of sector-focused trade missions abroad for local companies. It is also vital we understand their needs and recognise which foreign markets are attractive and prospective for particular sectors.



The meeting on December 18th focused on the British market, and the topics of the following events next year will be influenced by our participants. The main speaker was Michael Dembinski - Chief Advisor of British Polish Chamber of Commerce, who was discussing trade between Poland and Great Britain and the possible scenarios of Brexit.



The following day the Biznes Lubelskie team organized study visits for Michael Dembinski in 4 companies: “Pszczółka” confectionery factory - producer of sweets and chocolates;  GT85 – a leading manufacturer of advanced cleaning technology solutions (machines and chemistry for the automotive, aerospace, casting, heating and machine industries); and two trading companies exporting food and FMCG products to Great Britain: Spiżarnia and Mastermedia.

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